Routine's desktop 0.4 has been released with some long-awaited features: time blocking and the journal.
🍾 New Features
- You can now secure/block time for your most important tasks by drag & dropping them in your agenda:
- You can resize any event right from the Routine interface, allowing you to better organize and stay in control of your time
- The newly introduced journal allows you to access your past activity, from archived tasks and pages but also past events. This is particularly useful for accessing notes taken in a past meeting for instance. But it as useful for restoring a task or page that has been archived by mistake.
✂️ Improvements
- Routine now refreshes the content automatically: tasks, events etc. You can create tasks through Routine's iOS app or add/remove/change events in Google Calendar and those modifications will automatically be reflected in Routine's desktop app without the need to manually reload the app 🎉
- Pages are now archived instead of deleted and can, as a result, be found and restored from the journal
- You can now select a task and hit CMD+C to copy its title
- You can also edit a task name and select part of its content for copy by using SHIFT+UP/DOWN, SHIFT+ALT+LEFT/RIGHT or even CMD+A to select everything
- The strike-through decoration for archived tasks has been removed to increase readability
- The most recently accessed page is now opened when going back to the Pages section
- Out-of-the-office events are no longer displayed in the agenda
- The creation of subpages has been moved to the page menu
- Some bugs have been fixed:
- Event notes that were, sometimes, not properly saved
- Notion integration's schema error at the database level:
missing required field: people
- Checkboxes that were not converted into tasks in notes
- Clicking on pauses in the dashboard that led to an error
🎯 Coming Next
The next few releases will include:
- The ability to create a checkbox and schedule its related task with natural language
- Text formatting in notes: bold, italic, links etc.
- Auto detection of links in text: task name, description, events etc.
- Improved display of tasks and events when opened
- and many more small improvements
🤗 Shout Outs
- Saskia, Yannick and Pauline for your feedback