Enrich contact profiles

Enrich contact profiles

As for other objects, notes can be taken to enrich a contact, allowing you to augment those profiles with additional private information.

You can use those notes to remember information about someone that will prove useful in a future meeting for instance.

Additionally, you can use the notes to plan actions that relate to that person. For instance you could create a recurrent task in the notes of a contact to remind you to meet with her every 4 months.

This functionality is quite useful for setting up a basic contacts management system.

Overview of the person-related actions
Overview of the person-related actions

🔙 Access past meetings

The past meetings you had with a person are listed on the right-hand side of her profile. This allows you quick access to the notes of those past meetings.

In addition, the uncompleted tasks from past meetings are listed for you to quickly check and act upon an action that was left unresolved.

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