Name | Platform | Progress | Description | Version | # Upvotes | Feature Request |
Desktop | 100% | Trigger a keyboard shortcut outside of a supported context (e.g Gmail) and without text being selected to open an empty console to capture a thought | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | As quickly as possible, allow the user to capture a though at the tap of a button | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | The inbox can be accessed through the menu to browse it quickly (in list) | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Mark the task as complete | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Snooze the task to a later date for re-evaluation. The task comes back in the Inbox. For the snooze to be powerful, it needs to handle all times of date formats. | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Create recurrent tasks with starting date. For this the console must support a wide variety of date formats and recurrences e.g every 10 days. | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Mark a task as important. Even though far from perfect, it allows the user to see what is important and organize her time accordingly. The planning will come later. | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Create hierarchies of pages | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | The agenda view allows the user to glance at the upcoming events for the day. | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Through a specific keyboard shortcut, the user can invoke the console to capture. | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | The user can change the recurrence period or start date of a task but can also delete the recurrence | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | The user can change the snooze date of a task | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | The user can see the snoozed and recurring tasks | 0.1 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Allow the user to enter processing mode to tackle one item at a time. | 0.2 | 2 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Allow the user to save pages, text or else on other apps in Routine through the Share iOS extension | 0.2 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow tasks to be created and managed right into notes. Every checkbox becomes a Routine task which benefits from all the task-related functionalities: archive, schedule. | 0.2 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Tasks can enhanced with a description which in effect is a media-rich page which can include images, videos, tables, attachments, bullet points, quotes and more. | 0.2 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Display the tasks of the day and priorities on the home screen with the '+' button. | 0.2 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Allow the user to browse the tasks in inbox, edit their title and archive them. | 0.2 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Ability to invoke a menu of actions related to notes through a / command to embed media (photos/videos), attach documents and create blocks e.g bullet points, tables etc. | 0.2 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Ability to open a task to have access to all its information including its description that can be edited. If not description, the user can easily add some. | 0.2 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Add a link to join a call (e.g Zoom/Google Meet/etc.) | 0.2 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Prepopulate the app with some snoozed and recurrent tasks, tasks in the inbox, a starred one etc. and display onboarded messages that the user can get rid of to understand the goal of every screen | 0.2 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | If there are other participants, the location, the description as well as the information to join a call. On top of the description which is shared with every participant, the user can take private notes that will be linked to those participants. Even more, the user can, through the user of templates, add an agenda and action items, on top of sharing the minutes (decisions and action items) with the participants and additional people (who did not need to join the call but would like to be maintained in the loop). | 0.3 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow embedding images, videos etc. | 0.3 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Meetings can be attached notes that are related to this meeting exclusively | 0.3 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Invoked from a keyboard shortcut (likely different from the console), the dashboard summarizes the upcoming event and time before it takes place and two upcoming events and displays the tasks for Today | 0.3 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Initial pass on the design to have a feeling of lightness when editing and reading notes (larger fonts, more padding etc.) e.g like Medium/Notion. | 0.3 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow, in the opened task, to transform a task into a recurrent one. | 0.3 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow the user to specify tables in which tasks live. If such a task is assigned to the user, then the task appear in Routine. Also import notifications. | 0.3 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow the user to define the keyboard shortcut by recording the one she wants to use. | 0.3 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Ability to "open"/"focus" on an event to access more information and actions e.g add notes to a meeting before it takes place, add information to a task, invite a participant to a meeting etc. | 0.3 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow users to navigate blocks of a note with arrows (like Notion) and then to use keyboard shortcuts (like CMD+S to schedule if the block is a checkbox) | 0.3 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | The user can mark tasks as complete right from the agenda view | 0.4 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | The journal summarizes everything that took place during a day (a.k.a history) with: - Tasks: the tasks that were completed (i.e archived) that day - Meetings: the meetings that took place that day with an easy access to the related notes - Events | 0.4 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Ability to archive a page; will go to the journal | 0.4 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Ability to allocate time for a task by specifying a date, time and duration | 0.4 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow dragging and dropping a task on Agenda to block time | 0.4 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Automatically detect URLs in task names, descriptions, pages etc. | 0.5 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow the user to format text with bold, italic, stricken-through, code and links | 0.5 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow users to schedule tasks directly in notes | 0.5 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Retrieve context for tasks saved through the iOS Share Extension | 0.5 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Improve onboarding with new design: 1) clearer explained workflow 2) GIFs in description of onboarding tasks etc. | 0.6 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Change location of notes (moving from Google Drive to somewhere else) | 0.6 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Ability to tell the console to ignore a keyword | 0.6 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow the user to format text by selecting text. | 0.6 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow the user to open links with CMD+CLICK. | 0.6 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Provide a Zapier connector for users to enhance their workflow. | 0.8 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Agenda view to see the upcoming events | 0.6 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Improve register/login by redirecting to the browser for the user to be able to re-user her saved credentials. | 0.7 | 2 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow enrich a person's profile with private notes. Those notes could be topics to discuss during your next one-on-one meetings. | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Resurface notes from previous meetings with same participants | 0.6 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow opening meeting participants to access a person's profile. Need access to Google People/Contacts APIs. Provide templates to enrich one's profile from reminders (quarterly meeting), one-on-one topics etc. | 0.6 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | 1) Display all the necessary information of the upcoming events, today tasks and priorities in a widget for the user to glance and act quickly. 2) Capture a thought, task, idea very quickly without opening the app | 0.9 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow the user to select multiple blocks to perform batch actions: copy, delete and move to start with. | 0.6 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Open an event allowing the user to join a conference call and see the details of the event: participants etc. | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Support dates and times without keywords e.g "something today" | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow the user to plan her week (drag & drop to agenda and tasks) but also postpone tasks to later | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Ability to permanently delete objects | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow users to invite friends | 0.6 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Ability to create a calendar event (not a task) through the console e.g "to do on tomorrow at 4pm" or "to do on Sunday". Need to support all date and time formats. Note that the events created do not relate to any task. | 0.7 | 2 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Feedback information under console e.g the date when setting date, allocating time etc. for users to better understand what will happen | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Create a memorable task completion animation | 0.6 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow creating an object (task, event etc.) from the console and store it in another object e.g page, task description, event, person etc. | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow referencing an object (page, task, person) through # | 0.18 | 1 | ||
Desktop | 100% | The user can "ignore" an event in order to indicate that this event is no longer relevant e.g has been done already or else; an "ignored" event is removed from the agenda. This is particularly useful to clear the Agenda view when there are conflicting events (taking place at the same time); right now resulting in multiple NOW lines. Maybe "hiding" would be more relevant than "ignoring". | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow the user to connect multiple Google account to a single Routine profile | 0.8 | 0 | ||
Mobile | 100% | Introduction of the postpone action and batches on iOS | 0.8 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow creating objects (recurring tasks etc.) in notes through | 0.15 | 3 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow tasks coming from third-party services (Notion, Google Tasks etc.) to be manipulated the same way: schedule, block time etc. | 0.8 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Support creating events in the Agenda and Planner | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow the user to schedule a meeting through the console by specifying participants "with Henry with Bob". | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Can mark herself as going, maybe or not going. If not going, the event disappear from the agenda. The user can also open the location (Google Maps) or join the meeting online (Zoom, Google Meet etc.) | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Trigger notifications 10 minutes before an event | 0.11 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Trigger notifications 10 minutes before an event | 0.9 | 1 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow searching in tasks, events, people, pages and notes | 0.11 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow the user to query the knowledge graph and display information in different layouts | 0.18 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Support invoking dashboard on top of full screen apps | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Desktop (macOS) | 100% | Trigger a keyboard shortcut on a supported context and pre-fill the console with captured information. | 0.16 | 1 | ||
Desktop (macOS) | 100% | Trigger a keyboard with text selected (e.g Slack, WhatsApp etc.) and pre-fill the console with the selected text and add a link to the app/Web page | 0.16 | 1 | ||
Desktop (Windows) | 100% | Port to Windows | 0.8 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Allow the user to edit the notes in pages etc. | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Ability to consult pages and tick/untick checkboxes | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Ability to indicate that you no longer want to complete a task (not relevant anymore). | 0.7 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Introduce new keyboard shortcuts to prevent conflicts with text edition (CMD+A, CMD+S etc.) | 0.11 | 0 | ||
Desktop (macOS) | 100% | After closing the dashboard, put the previous app in foreground | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Support searching text in notes. | 0.19 | 5 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow users to download Routine for Linux (without auto update) | 0.19 | 5 | ||
Desktop (macOS) | 100% | Allow users to browse integrations, views, types, templates etc. | 0.19 | 1 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Dissociate UI from computing | 0.19 | 2 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Drag an area to select multiple note blocks. | 0.18 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Table layout | 0.18 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Board layout | 0.18 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | 5-day calendar layout. | 0.17 | 2 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Support deleting recurring tasks (along with future occurrences), duplicating blueprints etc. | 0.15 | 7 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Support editing/deleting next/all future occurrences of a recurring event | 0.15 | 2 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Improve performance when starting the app. | 0.11 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow displaying information as a list | 0.18 | 2 | ||
Desktop | 100% | New and improved onboarding experience | 0.18 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Monthly calendar layout. | 0.17 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | All unplanned tasks (integration, notes etc.) in the inbox | 0.12 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Native-like faster calendaring experience | 0.13 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | 3-day calendar view | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Optimize the app with large datasets. | 0.12 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Change the confusing checkbox color. | 0.12 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Reworked the concept of inbox, unplanned task, upcoming etc. | 0.14 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Support removing the scheduled/postponed date. | 0.11 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Ability to glance at your calendar through a monthly view | 0.10 | 1 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | New experience for the Today screen | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Provide a visual screen of the week for planning | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Operate integration-imported tasks on mobile e.g Notion, Gmail, Zapier etc. | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | New design & navigation | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow nesting blocks in notes. | 0.18 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow performing actions by right clicking an item. | 0.13 | 0 | ||
Mobile | 100% | Support integrating with Apple Shortcuts | 0.9 | 35 | ||
Mobile | 100% | Support creating tasks through Siri. | 0.9 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Support creating events through a basic UI rather than the console. | 0.9 | 1 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Better support accentuated characters (Japanese, French etc.) | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Allow creating and editing events | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Optimize the app’s speed. | 0.9 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Define the first day of the week and working hours | 0.9 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Support editing all the properties (participants, description, location, date, time, duration etc.) of events | 0.9 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Provide a full-screen user interface for creating events, specifying all the properties at once | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Ability to create recurring events directly in Routine | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Desktop (macOS) | 100% | Support Apple M1 processors. | 0.8 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow exporting notes in the clipboard | 0.8 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Allow moving an object to another parent through a menu-based action. | 0.8 | 2 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Support opening tasks to access their information and notes | 0.9 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Support dragging to go even faster for capturing in inbox and scheduling for today | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 100% | Support blocking time by drag/dropping a task into a calendar | 0.10 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Support displaying and manipulating task recurrences in notes | 0.8 | 0 | ||
Mobile | 100% | Complete rework of the iOS app’s UI and UX. | 0.8 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 100% | Introduce keyboard shortcuts to perform most of the actions | 0.11 | 2 | ||
Desktop | 90% | Allow users to manage their plan and access invoices. | 0.20 | 4 | ||
Desktop | 70% | Allow the user to work offline & synchronize states when back online | 1.1 | 476 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 70% | Allow the user to work offline & synchronize states when back online | 0.12 | 462 | ||
Desktop | 70% | Allow defining/editing types | 1.1 | 195 | ||
Desktop | 70% | Rework the Today screen’s design etc. | 0.11 | 1 | ||
Desktop | 50% | Allow users to create labels/tags | 1.1 | 453 | ||
Desktop | 40% | Allow listing all objects (no matter their type) with a reference to the current object. | 1.0 | 4 | ||
Desktop | 30% | Allow user to undo recent operations (text edition & task-related operations e.g archive) | 1.3 | 205 | ||
Desktop | 30% | More advanced note editor functionalities | 0.20 | 9 | ||
Desktop | 10% | Allow to pin a page, person etc. for those to be always accessible | Next Up | 31 | ||
Mobile (Android) | 10% | First version of the Android app allowing to capture and displaying the tasks/events of the day. | 0.1 | 62 | ||
Desktop | 0% | Allow the user to take and edit daily notes, effectively creating a journal | 1.4 | 275 | ||
Desktop | 0% | Generate an action notification is a conflict is detected between two events from the selected calendars i.e taking place at the same time | Next Up | 0 | ||
Integration | 0% | Fetch Google Reminders and display them in the notifications | Next Up | 8 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 0% | Allow searching your tasks, events, people & pages by name but also adding participants to meetings by name/email address | 0.13 | 2 | ||
Desktop | 0% | Allow triggering redirection in the core commands provided by the console | Next Up | 0 | ||
Desktop | 0% | No longer support starring tasks | 1.4 | 0 | ||
Desktop | 0% | New screen holding the archived objects | Next Up | 0 | ||
Mobile (iOS) | 0% | Support iPad devices | Considering | 442 | ||
Desktop | Allow the user to specify a range for a task. The console displays the different openings for the given day allowing the user to select one. | Considering | 1 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to allocate time for a task based on her time preferences e.g "something in Focus for 30 min" | Next Up | 105 | |||
Desktop | Display the action notifications received (conflicts, commute, product update, reminders, all-day events etc.) and allow the user to act upon them. | Next Up | 22 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to define time preferences through the creation of slots/rituals | Next Up | 106 | |||
Integration | Integrate Google Tasks (would allow the user to use the "Add to Tasks" in Gmail) | Next Up | 114 | |||
Desktop | Contextual notes in dashboard: daily or linked to current event | Next Up | 0 | |||
Desktop | Ability to move (drag & drop) a object to a task, allocation, event etc. | Next Up | 1 | |||
Desktop | Allow users to record/track (through keyboard shortcut) how much time they're spending on a given task. For instance, when opening a task, they could start timing and it would automatically create an event from start time. | Considering | 201 | |||
Integration | Allow the user to turn a Slack message into a Routine task within Slack through an integration. | Next Up | 117 | |||
Mobile (iOS) | Improve iOS Share Extension in UIKit (instead in SwiftUI) | Later | 2 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to define templates to re-use for future meetings with pre-defined location, invitees etc. | 1.5 | 1 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to share a page in read-only on the Web | 1.6 | 0 | |||
Desktop | Processing means unstacking every item one after the other, in full screen view, to maximize focus. This view will only be accessible through the Agenda view (on the processing event with a "start" button) and in the Event view (when in a processing event), see below | Considering | 0 | |||
Desktop | The user can reschedule tasks for which time has been allocated either manually or through slots allowing, in the future, for "reschedule my morning". | Considering | 1 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to add attachments to notes through /attach, /upload etc. | Next Up | 2 | |||
Desktop | Allow specifying an emoji by typing : | 1.0 | 4 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to select multiple objects (e.g tasks) to perform bulk actions e.g schedule, archive etc. Also allow using CMD+A to select everything: tasks in Inbox, tasks of the day, text in notes etc. | 1.4 | 107 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to drag & drop tasks together, grouping tasks together into an unnamed slot | Considering | 0 | |||
Desktop | Allow users to convert a note into a template to be re-used in the future. | Considering | 0 | |||
Desktop | Send a notification to the user 3 days before a meeting takes place, advising to define the agenda (topics, duration etc.) and send it to the participants beforehand. | Considering | 0 | |||
Desktop | Allow sharing meeting notes with participants and more people. | Considering | 0 | |||
Desktop | Allow users to take notes that are not tight to anything and never disappear, unlike daily notes or event- or people-based notes | Considering | 0 | |||
Desktop | Calculate time saved from better organization but also scheduling, delegation and access to dashboard. Likewise, provide an analysis on a monthly/yearly basis of where one spent her time. | Next Up | 1 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to review her week/day. | Next Up | 0 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to delegate a task to someone else, being notified when the task changes states (postponed, time secured in calendar etc.) but also allowing the original user to request a status update. When the task is completed, it boomerangs back to the original user for review. | Considering | 0 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to associate domains (, etc.) to authorize accessing them only during those slots | Later | 1 | |||
Desktop | Allow users to create a new Project object in notes that would represent a special progress-led task. | 1.1 | 135 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to define goals. | 1.1 | 160 | |||
Desktop | Associate a snippet name with a page for easily pasting the page's content anywhere later | Later | 0 | |||
Desktop | Allow overriding schedule with periods of time for which the user enforces allowing meetings to be scheduled for instance, or blocking everything from being scheduled. Today, people creates calendar events to block time for lunch etc. Those are not good solutions. | Considering | 1 | |||
Integration | Import Facebook event reminders in the notifications view | Later | 4 | |||
Browser | Block Gmail inbox if outside of a processing slot | Later | 0 | |||
Desktop | Provide templates of schedule based on famous entrepreneurs/investors/scientists. | Considering | 0 | |||
Mobile (iOS) | Allow the user to take and edit the notes of the day with basic blocks: text, titles, bullet points and checkboxes | Next Up | 261 | |||
Desktop | Add a reschedule link in calendar events to help the user reschedule even events that we not created through Routine | Considering | 0 | |||
Desktop | Indicates when the next event will take place, emits a warning when approaching and display a counter when in the event while allowing for the app to be put forward to act upon the event e.g take notes. Also the menu icon could display the tasks of the day or event provide quick access to sharing availability links. | Next Up | 93 | |||
Browser | Show meeting availability when visiting Calendly, etc. links. Also display the equivalent of the dashboard (task, meetings, daily notes) when opening a new tab. | Later | 0 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to specify a priority for tasks and projects. | 1.1 | 200 | |||
Desktop | Allow the user to browse at her activity in terms of achievements (tasks completed etc.) | Later | 0 | |||
API | Provide an API for developers to integrate with Routine | Later | 0 | |||
Desktop | Add Routine to login items automatically for Routine to be launched at start up | Next Up | 60 | |||
Integration | Later | 1 | ||||
Integration | Later | 1 | ||||
Templates | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Code blocks | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Daily notes | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Integration | Later | 1 | ||||
Integration | Later | 1 | ||||
Additional timezones | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Offline mode | Integration | Later | 2 | |||
Command bar | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Linear | Integration | Later | 4 | |||
Instagram | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Gmail Add-On | Integration | Later | 8 | |||
Reddit | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Asana | Integration | Later | 3 | |||
Create recurrent tasks | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Integration | Later | 1 | ||||
Integration | Later | 1 | ||||
Bulk operations | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Microsoft Edge | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Apple Shortcuts | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Tags | Integration | Later | 2 | |||
Tasks whose Parent's Title Matches... | Integration | Later | 2 | |||
Billing management | Integration | Later | 2 | |||
Custom types | Integration | Later | 2 | |||
Recurring tasks | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Emoji in notes | Integration | Later | 2 | |||
Advanced note editor | Integration | Later | 3 | |||
Task reminders | Integration | Later | 3 | |||
Versioning | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Undo/redo | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Goal | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Complete version (calendar, inbox, agenda, pages etc.) | Integration | Later | 6 | |||
Task priority | Integration | Later | 6 | |||
Basic initial version | Integration | Later | 6 | |||
Recurring task allocations | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Projects | Integration | Later | 3 | |||
Event coloring | Integration | Later | 4 | |||
Lime | Integration | Later | 2 | |||
Personio | Integration | Later | 1 | |||
Readwise | Integration | Later | 9 | |||
Steam | Integration | Later | 2 | |||
Integration | Later | 29 | ||||
Integration | Later | 4 | ||||
Integration | Later | 2 | ||||
Integration | Later | 3 | ||||
Integration | Later | 3 | ||||
Integration | Later | 1 | ||||
Integration | Later | 5 | ||||
Integration | Later | 1 | ||||
Integration | Later | 2 | ||||
Other | Later | 7 | ||||
Integration | Later | 2 | ||||
Integration | Later | 4 | ||||
Integration | Later | 3 | ||||
Integration | Later | 1 | ||||
Integration | Later | 2 | ||||
Integration | Later | 2 | ||||
Integration | Later | 6 | ||||
Integration | Later | 3 | ||||
Integration | Later | 9 | ||||
Integration | Later | 1 | ||||
Integration | Later | 3 | ||||
Integration | Later | 4 | ||||
Integration | Later | 6 | ||||
Integration | Later | 3 | ||||
Integration | Later | 8 | ||||
Integration | Later | 2 | ||||
Integration | Later | 4 | ||||
Integration | Later | 2 | ||||
Integration | Later | 6 | ||||
Integration | Later | 8 | ||||
Integration | Later | 3 | ||||
Integration | Later | 8 | ||||
Integration | Later | 14 | ||||
Integration | Later | 6 | ||||
Integration | Later | 6 | ||||
Integration | Later | 3 | ||||
Integration | Later | 8 | ||||
Integration | Later | 23 | ||||
Integration | Later | 4 | ||||
Integration | Later | 11 | ||||
Integration | Later | 3 | ||||
Integration | Later | 3 | ||||
Integration | Later | 10 | ||||
Integration | Later | 15 | ||||
Integration | Later | 6 | ||||
Integration | Later | 13 | ||||
Integration | Later | 17 | ||||
Integration | Later | 43 | ||||
Integration | Later | 16 | ||||
Integration | Later | 10 | ||||
Integration | Later | 16 | ||||
Integration | Later | 27 | ||||
Integration | Later | 21 | ||||
Integration | Later | 11 | ||||
Integration | Later | 11 | ||||
Integration | Later | 21 | ||||
Integration | Later | 38 | ||||
Integration | Later | 27 | ||||
Integration | Later | 8 | ||||
Integration | Later | 15 | ||||
Integration | Later | 16 | ||||
Integration | Later | 25 | ||||
Integration | Later | 5 | ||||
Integration | Later | 1 | ||||
Integration | Later | 7 |