
Views allow to explore your knowledge base and display only the information your need.

ᐖ Queries

Below are some examples of queries on the default types:


  • With a specific title
    • tasks where title = "Schedule call with investor"
  • Filter on a status
    • tasks where status = "todo"
    • tasks where status = "done"
    • tasks where status = "abandoned"
  • Overdue tasks
    • tasks where planning = today -1 and status = "todo"
  • Tasks of the day:
    • tasks where planning = today
  • From a specific parent
    • tasks where parent.title = "💼 Work”
  • With notes
    • tasks where length(notes.blocks) != 0


  • With specific names
    • people where givenName = "Andrew"
    • people where name = "Andrew Reynolds"
    • people where familyName = "Reynolds"
  • With an avatar
    • people where avatar != null
  • Filter on an email address
    • people where email = ""
  • With some notes
    • people where length(notes.blocks) != 0


  • With a specific title
    • pages where title = "💼 Work"
  • Wit a specific parent
    • pages where parent.title = "🍱 Projects"
  • Filter on the archived attribute
    • pages where archived = false
  • Partial matching on the page title
    • pages where title ~ "Meeting Notes"


  • With a specific title
    • calendars where title = "Personal"
  • With a color
    • calendars where color = "F"
  • Filter on the active attribute
    • calendars where active = true


  • Active events of the day:
    • events where active and date(time.start) = date(today)
  • Notes from events with a specific title
    • events where length(notes.blocks) > 0 and title = "Chemistry 101”
  • Meeting notes from this week
    • events where length(notes.blocks) > 0 and week(time.start) = week(today)
  • From a specific calendar
    • events where calendar.title = "Personal"
  • With a defined location
    • events where location != null
  • Meetings (i.e with more than one participant)
    • events where length(participants) > 0
  • During dates/times:
    • events where week(time.start) = week(today)
  • Active
    • events where active = true


  • Events with a reference to X in the notes property:
    • events where length(notes.references where = "Nicolas Tassone") != 0

🕳️ Displays

The following displays are currently supported:

  • List
  • Table
  • Board