Schedule tasks

Schedule tasks

When you’ve got a task to act upon, Routine provides several ways to plan it.

📅 Assign Date

The easiest way to plan time to work on a task is to assign it a date through the schedule action. Click the 📅 button or use the ⌘/^ L keyboard shortcut.

Process your inbox
Process your inbox
Schedule a task on iOS
Schedule a task on iOS

Note that scheduling works the same way on all the checkboxes you create in notes, task description, a page, an event, etc.

🚧 Block Time

With Routine, you can block time to complete a task on a specific day and time.

Use the ConsoleConsole's natural language capabilities to specify a date, time, and duration through the on, at and for keywords.

For more information on time blocking, please refer to Block time for important tasksBlock time for important tasks and ConsoleConsole.

❌ Cancel Scheduling

Any task scheduling can be canceled either by clicking the cross x button next to the date or by using the ⌘/^ L keyboard shortcut.

Once unscheduled, the task will disappear from the day it was previously scheduled for and put back in the inbox.

Unplan a task
Unplan a task
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