Process your inbox

Process your inbox

Now that you know how to Capture everythingCapture everything through the powerful ConsoleConsole's capabilities, it is time to learn what to do with all that information.

In the same way that professionals go through their email inboxes to process new incoming messages; the most efficient people capture the things going through their minds and process them at the right time.

The idea of deciding when the processing takes place is crucial to staying in control. While some advertise going through their inbox a few times a day, some people such a Tim Ferriss, the author of The 4-Hour Work Week, went as far as checking their email inbox once a week.

The same applies to your inbox of tasks in Routine. Decide on a frequency and stick to it πŸ’ͺ.

When it comes to how to process your inbox, we recommend following the well-known Inbox ZeroInbox Zero methodology which goes as follows.

For every item in your inbox, follow the 2-min rule below:

  1. 🧽 If the task is no longer relevant, mark it as β€œwon’t do” (⌘/^ ⇧ I)
  2. βœ… If the task takes less than 2 minutes to perform, do it right away and mark it as done (⌘/^ E or ⌘/^ .)
  3. πŸ“… If you already know when this task needs to be completed, schedule it (⌘/^ L) for a specific day
  4. ⏰ If you do not know exactly when to work on this task, postpone it (⌘/^ P) to a later week to reconsider it
  5. πŸ”„ Repeat this process until you reach Inbox Zero

We recommend forcing yourself to perform the actions through the Keyboard shortcutsKeyboard shortcuts to get used to them.

Process your inbox
Process your inbox
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