Manage events

Manage events

Routine is a calendar with tasks, notes and people. As such, you can perform all the operations you would expect from a calendar product.

Overview of all event-related actions
Overview of all event-related actions
Event-related actions on iOS
Event-related actions on iOS

📖 Open an event

There are two ways to open an event:

  1. In the app’s screens (Agenda, Calendar etc.) by double clicking on the event (single click previews an event)
  2. Through the dashboard (^ ) by clicking the widget of the event in question

📞 Join call

You can join calls either through the dashboard or through an opened event, by clicking the conference icon or by using the ⌘/^ J keyboard shortcut.

For more information, please refer to Join callsJoin calls.

🆕 Create an event

You can create an event by selecting a range in any calendar-like screen (e.g Planner).

Then enter a title and other optional properties such as participants, location, description etc. but also the frequency if creating a recurring event.

Alternatively, you can create event (and meetings) through the console. See ConsoleConsole for more information on the console capabilities.

  1. Open the dashboard with ^
  2. Type an event name
  3. Indicate a date: on keyword
  4. Indicate a time: at keyword
  5. Indicate a duration: for keyword
  6. Select the Create event command
  7. Validate

For recurring events, you can add the every keyword with the frequency of the event.

Your events are created in your default calendar unless you change the calendar. See Define default calendarDefine default calendar.

🤝 Schedule a meeting

To schedule a meeting, simply create an event following one of the methods described above and add participants.

Note that participants can either be selected from your contacts or an email address can be entered manually.

In order to specify participants through the console, you will need to use the with keyword as many times as you want to add participants.

↕️ Move & resize events

Events can be drag & dropped into a new position in the Agenda or Planner. Likewise, events can be resized by dragging the bottom part.

Only events you own can be moved or resized.

🌒 Hide/show events in agenda

In Routine, events that you will attend are said to be active or while events that you track for information purposes are passive. For more information on primary/secondary calendars, active/passive events and how to control the default settings, please refer to Set primary calendarsSet primary calendars.

Even though most of the time the default settings already appropriately categorize which events are passive and active, it is sometimes useful to manually mark an event as passive or active.

Routine provides the Hide from Agenda and Show in Agenda actions to turn an event passive/active, respectively.

Because the DashboardDashboard and the Today screen only display active events, this allows you to really focus on the events that you will actually attend while allowing you to overview all the events of interest through the Planner screen.

Hid/show events
Hid/show events
Hide/show events on iOS
Hide/show events on iOS

🥠 Edit an event’s attributes: participants etc.

You can edit the public description of an event, add & remove participants, change the date & time, add a conference link or change the location.

Open the event and click on the attributes you would like to edit.

Once you are done, simply click the Save button to apply the modifications.

📅 Change the calendar an event belongs to

It sometimes happen that you make a mistake and wanted an event to be created in another calendar.

To change the calendar an event belongs to, simply open the event and click on the down arrow next to its calendar.

🙋 Indicate intention of attendance

As for most calendar products, you can indicate your intention to attend a meeting to the other participants.

Either preview the event (e.g in the Calendar) or open the event to access the Yes, Maybe and No buttons.

✔️ Complete an event ahead of time

It sometimes happens that you meet with someone of your team before it scheduled time.

If you would like to free up that time to potentially schedule other tasks or events, you can use the Complete action in the ... submenu of an event.

Effectively, the event will be moved to the past to mark it as “completed”.

🗄️ Archive an event

You can easily archive an event through the Archive action in the ... submenu.

Note that even though the event is no longer visible in Routine, it will still be visible through your Google Calendar.

🗒️ Take private notes

You can very easily take notes for an event. Note that those notes are private to you.

For more information, please refer to Attach notes to eventsAttach notes to events.

☝️ Share notes

Please refer to Share notesShare notes for more information.

Something missing? Send us a message by email, chat (see ContactContact) or through the app.