Quick tour

Quick tour

Let's take a quick tour at the different screens of the Routine app.

📋 Dashboard

The DashboardDashboard is not a screen per se but kind of an app in itself.

The dashboard is powerful because it can be opened from anywhere on your desktop through the ^ (i.e CTRL+SPACE) hotkey.

Note that the Routine symbol (above the menu) can also be used to open the dashboard. We however recommend using the Keyboard shortcutsKeyboard shortcuts as much as possible to perform actions more quickly.

At any time (even during meetings 😉), you can check your upcoming events and tasks for the day but also use the ConsoleConsole to write down a task to be performed later (see Create & manage tasksCreate & manage tasks).

Open the dashboard through the hotkey
Open the dashboard through the hotkey

🎯 Agenda

The Agenda screen’s purpose is to force you to concentrate on what matters right now, the upcoming events, the tasks you've decided to complete today etc.

This is the most central screen of the application, the one you should be referring to the most when in execution mode. See Events & tasks of the dayEvents & tasks of the day for more information.

The Agenda screen with events to attend and tasks to complete
The Agenda screen with events to attend and tasks to complete
The agenda on iOS
The agenda on iOS

📅 Calendar

The Calendar screen combines both your tasks and events through a weekly visualization.

The tasks for which you have not set a specific date are displayed on the left-hand side along with the events & task allocations of the weeks from all your calendars. Under each day are listed the tasks you have scheduled for that specific day.

You can read more about how to plan your work through Organize your weekOrganize your week and Postpone tasksPostpone tasks.

The Calendar screen with the tasks of the week
The Calendar screen with the tasks of the week
Calendar screen on iOS
Calendar screen on iOS

📥 Inbox

The Inbox is a screen that comes from the GTD methodology.

The idea is that everything you need to remember should be stored in a reliable system instead of staying on your mind.

On the app, everything you capture through the ConsoleConsole is stored in your Inbox for you to organize later. You can think of it as your second memory.

From time to time, Capture everythingCapture everything the same way you go through your email inbox to get it all cleaned up, also referred to as Inbox ZeroInbox Zero.

Universal inbox with unanswered meetings, untitled notes & unplanned tasks coming from integrations
Universal inbox with unanswered meetings, untitled notes & unplanned tasks coming from integrations
Universal inbox on iOS
Universal inbox on iOS

☑️ Tasks

The Tasks screens aggregates everything about your tasks: unplanned, recurring and upcoming.

Overview of the Tasks screen
Overview of the Tasks screen
For more information on regular and recurrent tasks, please refer to Create & manage tasksCreate & manage tasks.

🗒️ Notes

The Notes screens contains everything related to your notes.

The Pages allow you to take notes on the topics of your choices while Meetings summarizes aggregates the notes you took in events.

Pages are similar to what notes taking apps (Evernote, Bear etc.) provide but with a modern approach allowing to:

  1. Embed media-rich content (videos, images etc.)
  2. Turn non-actionable information (e.g text) into a task
Unlike most notes taking apps, checkboxes in Routine represent full-fledged tasks that can be scheduled, postponed, delegated and even extended with a description of their own. For more information, please refer to Write & edit notesWrite & edit notes.

You can use pages to organize a trip, to list your favorite movies, to plan the renovation of your house etc.

Overview of the Notes screen
Overview of the Notes screen
Pages hierarchy on iOS
Pages hierarchy on iOS
You can read more about pages in the Create and organize pagesCreate and organize pages article.

⚙️ Settings

The Settings screen is quite straightforward, allowing you to change the Keyboard shortcutsKeyboard shortcuts, turn on Dark Mode, enable/disable calendars, connect accounts and activate integrations.

Overview of the Settings
Overview of the Settings
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